My cousin wanted some knit pants for her baby. Some that made him look like a baby :) after all, he is only 4 months old. So I found an old pattern and started knitting.
The pants are made in soft cotton on needles 3½mm.
However, I am not too happy with the ribbing at the top of the pants. Although it is done on needles 2½, it seems awfully loose and floppy, so I made a chroscht string, so she can tie them around his belly.
I have an order for another pair, and this time I will knit an elastic thread in with the ribbing for a better fit.
Sikke et par fine bukser. Kan godt forstå at man somme tider ønsker sig noget " gammeldags" babytøj. Der fås så meget fanzy i dag, men i virkeligheden så fungerer det gammeldags jo meget bedre, fordi barnet har fuld bevægelsesfrihed i blødt strik